

深圳市合众传奇科技有限公司(简称合众传奇)是中大型B2C,B2B跨境出口大型电子商务企业。总部位于深圳,在美国,德国,韩国,日本,香港,深圳,东莞,长沙,成都,宁波等地等地均设有子公司,现拥有一支数百人的年轻精英团队。合众传奇主力运营第三方平台,目前有在合作的平台有eBay,Amazon, AliExpress,Wish,Mercado,Falabella,B2W,Jumia,Rakuten,Coupang等第三方平台,致力开拓海外市场,覆盖全球200多个国家和地区的消费者。 合众传奇坚持以客户需求为主导,聚焦核心品类,开发新品,打造优质品牌,持续为客户提供个性化、超预期的购物体验。目前公司有15个品类的10多万种产品在售,与海内外众多知名品牌及300多家供应商建立了稳定可持续的合作关系。 在企业发展壮大过程中,合众传奇构建了完善的海内外仓储物流体系,在国内珠三角产业带和长三角产业带,均设有大型仓储物流集散中心;在北美、欧洲、澳洲和日本等客户高度密集区域建有大量海外仓和物流线路。公司IT研发中心拥有电商全生命周期、全流程自研系统及自建站,实现高效业务运作;PB级数据处理能力,成熟的数据湖方案, 高效准确的数据报表分析,协助业务决策。 在提升客户购物体验方面,公司组建专业健全的客服团队提供24小时在线服务,支持英语、法语、德语、日语、阿拉伯语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、俄语、波兰语和中文共10种服务语言,以及邮件、即时聊天、语音电话和Facebook messenger等7种服务渠道。未来,合众传奇将一如既往坚定“把中国的优质商品、优质供应链带到全世界”的企业使命,继续专注耕耘于B2C跨境出口贸易领域,奋楫扬帆,乘风破浪。Shenzhen Hezhong Legend Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Hezhong Legend) is a medium-to-large B2C and B2B cross-borderexporte-commerceenterprise.Headquartered in Shenzhen, it has subsidiaries in the United States, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Changsha,Chengdu,Ningbo and other places. It now has a young elite team of hundreds of people. Hezhong Legend mainly operates third-party platforms.Currently, the platforms incooperation include eBay, Amazon,AliExpress, Wish, Mercado, Falabella, B2W,Jumia, Rakuten, Coupang and otherthird-party platforms. It is committed to developoverseas markets and covering consumers in more than 200 countries and regions around theworld. Hezhong Legend insists on customer demand as the leadingfactor, focusing on core categories, developing new products, creating high-qualitybrands, and continuously providing customers with personalized and expectedshopping experiences. At present, the company has more than 100,000products in 15 categories on sale, and has established stable and sustainable cooperativerelations with many well-known brands and more than 300suppliers at home and abroad In the process of enterprise development and growth, HezhongLegend has built a complete warehousing and logisticssystem at home and abroad. It has large-scale warehousing and logistics distribution centers in the PearlRiver Delta Industrial Belt and the YangtzeRiver Delta Industrial Belt in China. It has built a large number of overseas warehouses and logistics routes in America,Europe,Australia andJapan, where customers are highly concentrated. The company's IT R&D center has a self-developed system and self-built websitefor the entire lifecycle and process of e-commerce to achieve efficient business operations; PB-level data processing capabilities, mature data lake solutions,cientand accurate data report analysis,assist business decision-making. In terms of improving customer shopping experience, the company has formed aprofessionaland sound customer service team to provide 24-hour online service, supporting 10 service languages including English, French,German,Japanese, Arabic,Spanish,Portuguese, Russian, Polish and Chinese, as well as 7 service channels including email, instant chat, voice call and Facebookmessenger. Hezhong Legendwillcontinue to firmly adhere to the corporate mission of "bringing China's high-quality products andhigh-quality supply chains to the world",continue to focuson the field of B2C cross-border export trade, and sail hard and ride the wind and waves....